LING 18214 - Introduction to Linguistics


Course Code                      :  LING 18214

Compulsory/ optional      : Compulsory

Course Name                     : Introduction to Linguistics

Lecturer                                : Dr.  Vindya Weerawardhane

Intended Learning Outcomes:
                At the completion of this course students should be able to

1. define language as a system of linguistic sign.
2. list the design features of language.
3. describe the structure and the functions of language.
4. explain formal classes and grammatical categories of language on the basis of structural analysis.
5. Distinguish between the synchronic and diachronic analysis of language
6. Recognize the scope of certain sub-fields of linguistics: Historical linguistics.
7. Evaluate the contribution of renounced linguists like Ferdinand de Saussure, Edward Sapir, Leonard Bloomfield and Noam Chomsky

Course Content
 1. Definitions of language
2. Language structure and functions.
3. Design features of language.
4. Introduction to structural analysis.
5. Introduction to diachronic analysis.
6. Contribution of the following linguists. 

             Ferdinand de Saussure 

             Edward Sapir 

             Leonard Bloomfield 

             Noam Chomsky

Teaching /Learning Activities:
Lectures, Discussions, Assignments, Workshop All should be presented by using LMS (As PowerPoint presentation), Using web search and self-studies methods.

Assessment Strategy:
Written exam (100 marks) or written exam (80 marks) + assignments (20marks) at end of the academic year.

Recommended Reading: